
Books on Spiritual Knowledge

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Softcover, 230 pages
USD $10.00
Words of Wisdom, Vol. 3
A collection of "Words of Wisdom" articles sent out by Siddheshvari Devi Ji (Didi Ji) every Friday.
Language: English
On popular demand, Siddheshvari Devi Ji's "Words of Wisdom Vol. 3" is now available. The messages contained in this book are divided into the following seven categories - New beginnings, Spiritual Knowledge, Opportunities for improvement, Simple Life Lessons, Dealing with the Pandemic, Celebrations and Nuggets of Wisdom.
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2 Hardcover, 2 Softcover
USD $45.00
Holiday Special Pack (4 books)
This holiday special includes four books from our Gurukul series. This $60 package is available for $45 for a limited time.
Language: English
This special package includes the following two hardcover books:
1) Lessons from Bhagvatam
2) Ramayan

It also includes the following two coloring books:
1) Bhagvatam Coloring Book
2) Ramayan Coloring Book
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Hardcover, 224 pages
USD $20.00
Lessons from Bhagvatam
Twenty eight stories from Ved Vyas' Bhagvat Maha-Puran and the valuable lessons we can draw from each story that are as relevant today as they were in the past.
Language: English
The stories of the Bhagvatam are full of intrigue, mystery and emotions. Children will learn about the core values of Hinduism through stories from the scripture that has been hailed as the greatest composition of Ved Vyas.
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Hardcover, 269 pages
USD $20.00
The story of Ram based on Valmeeki’s Ramayan and Gosvami Tulsidas’ Ramcharitmanas written in a language suitable for 5 to 10-year-old children.
Language: English
Filled with original and colorful illustrations, coupled with the divine story of Ram retold in language familiar to our young readers, this book is designed to educate and entertain children. The book is not just for children. Adults will find themselves sneaking the book from their children's room and reading it not only out of curiosity but also to keep up with the kids.
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Hardcover, 192 pages
USD $20.00
Essence of Vedic Knowledge
Important teachings from the eternal Vedas, Upanishads and Vedic scriptures.
Language: English

The book covers important teachings from the eternal Vedas, Upanishads and Vedic scriptures, highlighting and explaining the key concepts that can be easily understood by Hindu teens and young adults. The concepts are enhanced with examples from everyday life. The subject matter for each topic is presented in sufficient depth for the book to be a valuable resource for adults who have basic knowledge of Hinduism.

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Softcover, 39 pages
USD $5.00
Daan Charity in Hinduism
This booklet address six questions related to the concept of charity (Daan) in Hinduism.
Language: English
This booklet address six questions related to the concept of charity (Daan) in Hinduism. The answers presented are compiled from various discourses given by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on the importance of charity. The explanations provided are supported by quotations from Hindu scriptures as well as examples from daily life.
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Softcover, 119 pages
USD $10.00
Words of Wisdom, Vol. 1
A collection of "Words of Wisdom" articles sent out by Didi Ji every Friday.
Language: English

Wisdom cannot be acquired by reading books. It is not taught in schools or colleges. Wisdom can only be gifted. This book is a humble attempt to present morsels of knowledge and wisdom lovingly fed to me by my Divine Master. The book is divided into four categories – Attitudes and Behavior, Spirituality, Family and Community, and Poetry.
- Didi Ji

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Softcover, 271 pages
USD $10.00
Words of Wisdom, Vol. 2
A collection of "Words of Wisdom" articles sent out by Siddheshvari Devi Ji (Didi Ji) every Friday
Language: English

Ever since the publication of volume 1 of Words of Wisdom, people have been asking Siddheshvari Devi Ji (Didi Ji) about the availability of volume 2. Nearly double in size compared to volume 1, the message contained in the second volume are divided into seven categories – Faith, Self-Improvement, Empathy, Family, Spiritual Knowledge, Love and Introspection.

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Hardcover, 340 pages
USD $20.00
Prem Ras Siddhant
Philosophy in English
Language: English
An English translation of "Prem Ras Siddhant" by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj. This book explains all the aspects of devotion which a devotee needs to know on the path to God realization.
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Hardcover, 268 pages
USD $15.00
Prem Ras Siddhant
Philosophy in Hindi
Language: Hindi
Divided into 16 chapters, this scripture explains the Ultimate Aim of the Individual Soul, sheds light on the importance of attaining Divine Grace, and the indispensability of surrendering to a Saint. Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj takes the confusion out of Hindu scriptures and gives lucid explanations of the Vedas, Purans, Geeta, Ramayan and other texts. Each chapter leads to the next and all are arranged in a logical sequence, taking the reader from the theoretical aspects of spirituality to practical aspects of devotion. A must for every aspirant.