Shri Kripaluji Maharaj

Videos for Children

Videos In English

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With Subtitles in English & Hindi
USD $15.00
The Darling of Vrindavan
Childhood pastimes of Krishna
Language: English
Little Krishna, the darling of Vrindavan, while lapping up all the love and adoration of Nand Baba and mother Yashoda is growing up as a naughty prankster. But he is also the bravest of all, crushing mighty demons like Putna and Trinavarta sent by Kansa. Indra’s false pride gets shattered when Little Krishna lifts up the entire Govardhan hill on his little finger. Showcasing breathtaking underwater sequences, Krishna wins over Kalia in an epic battle emerging the true savior of Vrindavan.
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With Subtitles in English & Hindi
USD $15.00
The Wondrous Feats
Childhood pastimes of Krishna
Language: English
The threat is not yet over for Vrindavan as Kansa, blind with rage, keeps sending his hordes of demons in the shape of poisonous Aghasura, dreadful Vatasura, wicked Vyomasura and the cruel Dhenukasura to get rid of Little Krishna. However, they all had to face defeat against Little Krishna’s gallant valor. Shattering Brahma’s pride, Little Krishna finally reveals himself as the reincarnation of Lord Vishnu, the controller of the entire universe.
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With subtitles in English & Hindi
USD $15.00
The Legendary Warrior
Childhood pastimes of Krishna
Language: English
Vrindavan is constantly threatened by the malice of evil king Kansa who in order to eliminate Little Krishna keeps sending ferocious demons, like giant Pralambasura, scorching fire demon, powerful Aritasura and mighty Bakasura. Little Krishna while engaging in mischief and pranks with Radha also emerges as the legendary warrior, conquering all the demons in epic heroic combats.
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With subtitles in English & Hindi
USD $40.00
Pack of Three DVDs
Childhood pastimes of Krishna
Language: English
Buy The Darling of Vrindavan, The Wondrous Feats and The Legendary Warrior together and save $5.00.
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Commentary in Hindi
USD $20.00
Utthan 2011
Annual Function of Kripalu Girls School in Mangarh
Language: Hindi
A set of 2 DVDs showcasing music, magic shows, and dance performances by students from Kripalu Primary School, Intermediate College and University. The depictions of Maharaas, Gita Sandesh and Ganesh Ji’s dance  are not to be missed. The visual effects and choreography of this Annual function is on par with top professional performances you will ever see!