Kripalu Trayodashi
In these thirteen verses Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj has disclosed the essence of all Vedic scriptures in a sequence which reveals how to attain the ultimate aim of life.
- Brahm (God), Jeev (individual soul), and Maya are three eternal entities; all without a beginning and an end.
- God and individual soul are conscious entities. Because the soul is an energy of God, it is called a fraction of God.
- Maya is an inert energy of God. Neither the individual soul nor Maya is independent; God rules over both.
- Amongst the innumerable powers of God, the most intimate is para shakti, which governs all other powers of God.
- God is all-knowing and the source of divine bliss. The individual soul is ignorant and has been eternally controlled by Maya.
- There are innumerable forms of God. Shri Krishna is the source and origin of all these forms.
- The divine happiness desired by the individual soul can be attained only from Shri Krishna.
- It is only through the grace of Shri Krishna that one can attain Shri Krishna.
- Devotion is the only means of receiving the grace of Shri Krishna.
- While practicing devotion, the mind must be absorbed in loving thoughts of Shri Krishna constantly, selflessly and exclusively.
- Through devotional practice, the mind will become completely purified. Then Svaroop Shakti will render the mind divine.
- In the divine mind the benevolent guru will then pour divine love, which is the essence of Hladini Shakti, the bliss-imparting energy of God.
- It is only after attaining divine love that the individual soul receives its inherent right to serve Shri Krishna for eternity.
- Jagadguru Kripalu