Words of Wisdom
Words of Wisdom is inspirational message sent out by Didi Ji every Friday. To receive weekly emails of Words of Wisdom Join our Mailing List!
Question and Answer Session - XV
December 17, 2021
Q: What is the difference between Vishnu and Mahavishnu?
A: There are uncountable Vishnus whereas there is only one Mahavishnu. Vishnu is the protector and sustainer of one universe, whereas ......
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Question and Answer Session - XIV
December 10, 2021
Q: How can I get my overactive mind to relax?
A: Get into the habit of being by yourself for some time every day and listen to soothing devotional music. Put away all your gadgets during this time. Practice breathing deeply. Talk to your mind and gently coax it ......
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Question and Answer Session - XIII
December 3, 2021
Q: What is the size of the soul?
A: The Vedas explain that the soul is the size of a strand of hair that has been split widthwise into ......
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Question and Answer Session - XII
November 26, 2021
Q: World population is increasing. Does this mean that there are new souls being created?
A: The soul is eternal. It does not take birth, nor does it die. So, there is no question of new souls being created. The population of humans ......
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Question and Answer Session - XI
November 19, 2021
Q: Why is it dangerous to trust one’s own intellect?
A: Our intellect, the deciding power of the mind, has five faults known as ‘Panch Klesh’. One of these is favorable attachment ......
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Question and Answer Session - X
November 12, 2021
Q: I am from India. With help of my parents I got engaged to a very good and kind man but after two months of engagement I am sure I don’t wish to get married. I feel terrible breaking the engagement and don’t know what to do.
A: It’s better to explain your feelings ......
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Question and Answer Session - IX
November 5, 2021
Q: As a practicing devotee I am supposed to be humble. Does this mean that I should never scold my kids or put my foot down at home or the workplace?
A: There are times when you will have to scold and raise your voice, but make sure you do so only externally while remaining humble internally. Usually we remain humble externally while we become angry internally. You will need to ......
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Question and Answer Session - VIII
October 29, 2021
Q: Please share a mantra that can help me live a more peaceful life.
A: A very powerful mantra is: Speak little. Speak sweetly.
Q: Life is very stressful. I have too many thoughts in my head and I am not able to manage. Help!
A: You do not have to figure everything out right away. Trying to work out too many issues at once is ......
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Question and Answer Session - VII
October 22, 2021
Q: Why is it so difficult to see our own faults?
A: Our ego has us believe that we are the perfect ones living in the midst of severely imperfect people.
Q: Why are some people so moody?
A: Everyone is moody, not just some ......
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Question and Answer Session - VI
October 15, 2021
Q: How do I get to the top of my career?
A: One step at a time.
Q: Sometimes my work seems very daunting. What should I do to check my panic at that time?
A: Divide the work into manageable parts. Look at its ...
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Question and Answer Session - V
October 8, 2021
Q: What will help me remain calm in the midst of chaos in my life?
A: The acceptance that everything has a reason and that everything is unfolding exactly as it should.
Q: Why don’t I feel that everything has a reason?
A: It comes with the daily ......
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Question and Answer Session - IV
October 1, 2021
Q: What is the best way to start the day?
A: With remembrance of God.
Q: How to stay away from pettiness?
A: By repeatedly reminding yourself that life ......
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Question and Answer Session - III
September 24, 2021
Q: What is difficult to mend once broken?
A: Trust
Q: How can I be sure I have faith in God?
A: Loving Him in even adverse conditions means that you have ......
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Question and Answer Session - II
September 17, 2021
Q: What is the perfect age for practicing devotion?
A: Your current age.
Q: What is the meaning of destiny?
A: Fruits of actions performed ......
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Question and Answer Session
September 10, 2021
Q: What never goes out of style?
A: Kindness.
Q: What makes a person attractive?
A: Confidence and ......
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Four kinds of people
September 3, 2021
We see many types of people living in the world, and every individual is a unique child of God. Yet, all the people of the world can be generally divided into ......
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Spiritual Points to Ponder
August 27, 2021
You expect everyone you meet to agree with you, but not even one single person in your life will be pleased with you all the ......
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Create Your Sunshine
August 20, 2021
Every life comes with joys as well as trials and tribulations. Every day is full of pleasure as well as pain. Every person has good and bad inside them. There is no such thing as a ‘perfect life,’ ‘a perfect person’ or a ‘perfect day.’ The onus is on you to actively ......
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Measure your Spiritual Level
August 13, 2021
As a seeker, you may be wanting to know the level of your spirituality. If you ask yourself about how you are faring in spirituality, your mind will provide a favorable answer. It will tell you that all is well and that ......
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Be Inspired by Nature
August 6, 2021
Nature is powerful. Nature is wise. Nature is an endless source of inspiration. Nature is a silent teacher. Observe Nature and ......
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Devotee, test yourself
July 30, 2021
Contrary to popular belief, devotion to God is not an activity for us to perform monthly, weekly, or even daily. It’s not a chore that has to get done from time to time. Devotion is a state of mind in which ......
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Significance of the Guru
July 29, 2021
The true meaning and the serious implication of the word 'Guru' elude those who generally use it to mean 'expert.' The eternal Vedas define 'Guru' as 'the one who ......
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Don’t be a hoarder
July 16, 2021
We humans would do well to look towards the animal kingdom and learn how to better manage many aspects of living; one of which is eating and accumulating only as much as we need. Hibernators such as squirrels gather nuts for the winter, but only as many ......
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Social Distancing is Needed
July 9, 2021
Ever-new tech innovations are making the world smaller and smaller. People who are geographically oceans apart can see and chat with each other. Social media platforms allow people to find long-lost family members and friends. They make it easier for the police ......
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A-B-C of Morals and Values - Conclusion
July 2, 2021
Y is for Youthful. You don’t have to be young or look young to be youthful. If you are receptive to new and fresh ideas; if you are willing to accept that there is more than one way of doing things, and if you are excited about learning ......
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A-B-C of Morals and Values contd - 10
June 25, 2021
W is for Welcoming. Some people have a way of making you feel at ease in their home, their group, and in new surroundings. They look you in the eye and genuinely pay attention to what you are saying. They sit and talk with you when no one is talking ...
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A-B-C of Morals and Values contd - 9
June 18, 2021
U is for Uplifting. Some people lift you up by being encouraging and inspiring. Their words and gestures lift your spirits and make you believe in yourself. You may be feeling gloomy but they will pull you out of the darkness until you can see the light. These people may not be teaching in a school or college ......
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A-B-C of Morals and Values contd - 8
June 11, 2021
S is for Simplicity. We often complicate very simple matters and manage to confuse ourselves and others. Wise ones work towards simplifying life. Albert Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” A genius ......
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A-B-C of Morals and Values contd - 7
June 4, 2021
Q is for Quietness. We are constantly exposed to sounds from digital devices, traffic noises, construction noises and loud conversations. Exposure to these sounds affects our ability to concentrate and take the right decisions. Even sleep time is disturbed by the presence of the humming and buzzing sounds from the devices...
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A-B-C of Morals and Values contd - 6
May 28, 2021
P is for Patience. In this day and age, the word ‘patience’ sounds odd to many people. Technological advancements have been occurring at a dizzying pace and we have become accustomed ......
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A-B-C of Morals and Values contd - 5
May 21, 2021
M is for Modesty. In the midst of loud, brash and in-your-face culture, modesty is often mistaken as a weakness. It is anything but. Whether inner or outer, modesty is the strength of an individual. When you dress modestly, you show ......
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A-B-C of Morals and Values contd - 4
May 14, 2021
K is for Kindness. Those who are kind to us hold a special place in our heart. We fondly remember their acts of kindness, be it an encouraging smile, a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on. Of what use is beauty, wealth, physical strength or status in society if the heart ......
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A-B-C of Morals and Values contd - 3
May 7, 2021
I is for Impartiality. The world is full of different kinds of people. Being children of the same God, we are all members of the same global family. Some members of this family are rich; some are poor. Some are highly educated; some are completely illiterate. Some are ......
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A-B-C of Morals and Values contd - 2
April 30, 2021
G is for Gratitude. We owe so much to so many for our existence and sustenance, and for our education and knowledge. From time to time we observe special occasions such as Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, and Valentine’s Day. On these days we express thanks to various ......
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A-B-C of Morals and Values contd - 1
April 23, 2021
D is for Discipline. A disciplined individual works on putting limits on the mind and makes continuous efforts to control the mind. No one is born disciplined; it’s a choice we make in life. We all have a choice ......
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A-B-C of Morals and Values
April 16, 2021
A is for Appreciation. Busy brooding over what is missing in life, we overlook the blessings we already have. We must learn to appreciate the abundant gifts ......
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God's Pharmacy
April 9, 2021
The infinitely merciful God has given us the human body using which we can elevate ourselves spiritually. He gives us fruits, vegetables, rice, grains and so much more to sustain the body. But do you know that God provides us ......
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Wisdom of Ramayan
April 2, 2021
A pure heart attracts God but a deceitful heart repulses Him.
God says – Take all your worldly attachments and string them......
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Time is short
March 26, 2021
When we realize that time is short, we act quickly and get the important work done first. Students hurry up and revise their lessons when they realize that exams are only days away. Travelers walk at a brisk...
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Choose friends wisely
March 19, 2021
The word 'friend' makes us smile and brings about emotional satisfaction. Everyone needs a friend to talk to and share feelings with. Friends hold your hand in difficulties and rejoice with you in good times. A true friend will ......
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Cross the ocean
March 12, 2021
There is an ocean that needs to be crossed. No; not the Pacific, Indian, Atlantic, Southern, or the Arctic Ocean. It's the Ocean of Maya. You may ask, "Which ocean is this?" It is the unlimited ocean of our...
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Do not blame others
March 5, 2021
When life is moving smoothly, we pat ourselves on the back and take all the credit. When things are not going well, we shift the blame to others. We attribute our problems and failures to loved ones, friends, neighbors, teachers, co-workers, acquaintances, and even ......
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Important or Trivial?
February 26, 2021
Time is a priceless commodity that we may not have much of. What are you spending your time on? Important matters or trivial pursuits?
You are once again wondering what your neighbors ......
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To Do List for All
February 19, 2021
Catch the Kindness virus.
Choose to do the right thing even when no one is watching.
Refuse to be ......
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Help those who are grieving
February 5, 2021
When a relative, friend or coworker is grieving, many of us do not know how to offer consolation. We don’t know what to say or how to act. So, we send a card and flowers but prefer to stay away. We hesitate ......
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Our Journey Together
January 29, 2021
Dear Readers, I received a beautiful message today. The author is unknown but the message is I am sharing it with you.
A young lady sat in a bus. At the next stop a loud and grumpy old lady came and sat by her. She squeezed into the seat and ......
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Take wise decisions
January 22, 2021
Decide to lose.
When engaged in a battle of words with a family member, decide to lose the argument. You will emerge victorious, with the twin bounty of peace and humility in your hands.
Decide to say something.
If you hear someone insulting another or judging others by their looks, color, race or religion, decide to not remain quiet. Say something. Let it be known that you don’t agree....
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Grace of a Guru
January 15, 2021
Scriptures state repeatedly that guidance of a divine teacher is necessary for one who wishes to live a purposeful life and who wishes to know God. Such a teacher is known as the Guru. A Guru possesses theoretical knowledge of all the scriptures and a practical experience of God.
Although a Guru descends to earth for the sake of everyone, not everyone is attracted towards a Guru. Some are...
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Welcome, 2021
January 8, 2021
The entire world celebrates the arrival of the New Year. Different cultures celebrate in their own unique and fun-filled ways. It’s not wrong to celebrate having survived a year full of difficulties, heartaches and challenges. At the same time, we should ponder life and reflect on the fact that another year has passed, leaving us with less time.
A prison inmate looks forward to the passing of d...
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Start Anew
January 1, 2021
The New Year inspires new beginnings and brings fresh optimism. The world is the same. You are the same. But you are inspired to make a fresh start. I wish all the readers a very wonderful and happy new year. My gift to you comes as usual in the form of thoughts and words:
Life is full of challenges and demands. Instead of thinking about what you wish to accomplish in your entire life, concentr...
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